

The GOP Candidates Are Complete Idiots








on 08/15/2011



Michelle Bachmann - a religious nutjob who used to be a Democrat and actually worked on Jimmy Carter's campaign. She should be banned for this alone.

Rich Perry - the man actually supported Al Gore in the presidential election. Not only that, this idiot just had a state prayer rally. 

Hermann Cain - He used to be the president of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Branch, the very people who are looting the country. Cain has come out against auditing the Fed. 

Newt Gingrich - this is the dirtbag that abandoned his dying wife for a younger better looking woman. He's pure scum.

Ron Paul - has some good libertarian ideas like abolishing the Fed, minding our own business by stopping the wars. However, he's still a religious nutjob and the media isn't even giving him a chance.

Mitt Romney - this guy passed Romneycare in Massachusetts. That alone should disqualify him. Plus, he's a mormon. Of Christian religious beliefs, Mormons take ridiculousness to a whole new level with their magic pajamas. 


This whole group should probably go seek mental treatment and if this is the best candidates we have, it really says a lot about how low and far the US has fallen.


