

How To Make A Website Popular!








on 04/09/2008


In September 2006, I came up with this free social website for pets and their owners. We now have close to 3600 members (pets and owners) but I know more people would want to join if they just knew about it.

We are inviting pet owners all over the USA who would like to

look after each others pet, or

meet to go for dog walks, or

write stories about their beloved animal friend and

in case of a missing pet, alert the members in their area to be on the look out.


If you look at www.petwatchclub.com you will find out about all the neat features we offer to our members for free.


Here are some new feature we are working on at this time:

Recommendations for Veterinariens

Letting members know of new events and pet placed in their area

Having member blogs



Websites like mine will be more enjoyable for the members if there are a lots of them. So here is my question: DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GET PEOPLE TO VISIT MY WEBSITE?

Please let me know about your ideas on how to bring pet owners to this site. 

Thank you very much – and if possible, don’t forget to hug your pet today!
